Real Estate Blog

The Importance of Privacy: Navigating Smart Home Features During Home Tours


As we embrace the digital age, the real estate market has seen an upswing in homes equipped with various smart home features. These innovative technologies make life more comfortable and efficient; However, it's essential to remember that with these advancements comes the need to be mindful of privacy during home tours. In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of being aware when touring a smart home and offer some tips to navigate these situations.

Why Privacy Matters in Smart Homes

Smart home devices have become increasingly popular, as homeowners now have the ability to control and monitor various aspects of their home from anywhere. From smart thermostats and security systems to virtual assistants, these Internet of Things (IoT) devices offer convenience and peace of mind. However, as potential buyers, it's crucial to be aware that these devices may be used by sellers to listen, watch, or record while you tour the home.

While the listing agent needs to disclosure if a party is being recorded, unfortunately sometimes this detail can be overlooked, smart home devices might inadvertently pick up conversations during a home tour. These recorded conversations can provide sellers with valuable insights into a potential buyer's thoughts, concerns, and negotiation strategies, putting the buyer at a disadvantage. To protect your privacy and ensure a fair negotiation process, follow these tips when touring a smart home:


Tips for Navigating Smart Homes

Be discreet during the tour

While touring a smart home, it's best to assume that anything you say may be overheard or recorded. Avoid discussing your opinions, budget, or any other sensitive information during the tour. If you have any questions or concerns about the property, save them for later when you can discuss them with your real estate agent privately.

Ask about the home's smart features

Before beginning the tour, ask your agent about the smart devices present in the home. This will give you an idea of what to expect and help you be more cautious during your visit. Additionally, knowing the features beforehand will help you determine if these are features you'd like in your new home.

Smart Home Devices

Switch off devices, if possible

If the seller permits, ask your agent to turn off any smart devices during the tour, particularly those with microphones and cameras. This will help ensure your privacy and allow you to speak more freely while exploring the home.

Schedule a follow-up call with your agent

After the tour, schedule a follow-up call with your real estate agent to discuss your thoughts and concerns in a private setting. This will allow you to ask any questions and express your opinions without fear of being overheard or recorded.


As smart homes become more prevalent, it's essential to be mindful of privacy concerns during home tours. By following these tips, you can protect your personal information and maintain a fair negotiation process.