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5 Landscaping Hacks That Will Save You a Ton of Money

Landscaping your yard can seem like a daunting task, especially when considering the potential costs. But, did you know that with the right approach and smart planning, it's possible to craft a beautiful outdoor space without breaking the bank? Checkout these five excellent landscaping hacks that can help you save a significant amount of money on your next project.


1. Shop at Local Landscape Supply Stores

Landscape supply stores often offer better deals on rock, mulch, and other landscaping necessities than big box stores like Home Depot or Lowe's. They specialize in these products, which can mean higher quality and more variety at comparable, if not cheaper, prices. It’s always worth the extra trip to your local supply store to compare prices and check out their selection.

2. Divide Your Plants

Here's a little secret among seasoned gardeners - splitting your plants. You can double your foliage without spending a dime by dividing your bushes, plants, and decorative flowers. This technique can provide you with a 2-for-1 saving deal. It's recommended to look up a tutorial video online on how to properly split plants to ensure you don't harm them in the process.


3. Install a Drip System

Watering plants by hand can be a hassle and lead to a higher water bill. Installing a drip system not only saves time but also significantly reduces water usage. These systems deliver water directly to the plant's roots, ensuring your plants get the right amount of hydration while preventing water waste. Although there is an initial cost to set up, the savings on your water bill and the convenience it offers make it a worthy investment.

4. Opt for Perennials

When buying plants and flowers, it's important to check if they are perennial. Unlike annuals that bloom for a single season, perennials come back year after year, offering you a continuous supply of beauty and saving you from buying new plants each year. The initial cost might be slightly higher, but their long lifespan makes them a cost-effective choice for any garden.


5. Browse Online Marketplaces

Don't forget to check online marketplaces like Facebook, Craigslist, and Nextdoor. Many people are more than happy to give away fill dirt, rocks, and other hardscape items that would cost you a significant amount of money if purchased from a store. It's a great way to recycle materials and find unique pieces that can make your landscape stand out.

Landscaping doesn't have to be a costly endeavor. With these handy hacks, you can beautify your property and potentially increase its value without splurging unnecessarily. Happy gardening!